5 Reasons You Lost Your “Why” and How to Fix Them

What went wrong? Everything seemed to be going so well. Suddenly, you’re lacking motivation, everything seems stale, and you have no idea what you were even trying so hard to do. In short, you lost your “Why,” and now you’re drifting and trying to figure out just where you went wrong.

Cheer up! The truth is, whatever happened, you can still fix things.

Your Confidence Wasn’t There

When you start doubting yourself, you’re likely also doubting the things you believe. After all, how can you get something so important as a “Why” right when you’re going wrong in every other area of life?

The problem is, self-talk is critical to success. The moment you start letting negative voices take over your thought process, everything falls apart.

Thankfully, this is easy to fix going forward. You start by paying attention to what you’re thinking or saying about yourself and make a conscious effort to turn negative comments into positive ones. Do it enough, and it’ll become a habit.

The Why Was Muddled

When you’re not entirely clear about what you’re fighting for, it’s easy for you to lose your way. Take a minute to consider your “Why” critically. Was it open to interpretation or vague in some way? Moving forward, take time to craft a mission statement, and you’ll know you’re solid from the start.

You Dream Big

There’s nothing wrong with big goals and ambitious ideas when it comes to your “Why,” but they can quickly overwhelm you if you’re not careful. Consider dialing it back a notch, taking the big goals, and breaking them up into smaller, more manageable ones. If your “Why” is likewise too broad, you might want to consider homing in on the core for now. You can always expand things later.

You Didn’t Take Care of Yourself

There’s no way even the best “Why” can carry you if you’re not getting enough sleep or neglecting your health. Make a point to eat right, get some exercise, and set down a sleep schedule to make sure you get your rest. When you feel better, you’ll have more energy and enthusiasm for your “Why.”

You Lost Patience

Quitting because something was taking too long is a common mistake. Your “Why” might involve some goals which take a while. To keep energy during your motivations, try revisiting the big picture through visualization to remind yourself what you’re fighting for. Add to this a reasonable timeline to expect success and settle in for the long haul.

As you see, with a little bit of work, you can get back your “Why.” The key is to learn from what’s happened and to move on. You’ve got this!

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